Friday, April 09, 2010

Gwyneth's first Easter

Saturday morning brunch with the girls...
Caroline's mom made goldfish carrots for each of the girls. (Mary - Thanks for letting Gwynnie make that phone call)

Easter breakfast before church. I forgot to take photos before church, but we sat in the back pew and she waived at everyone when they entered the church. She also started babbling momma over and over again during the end of the sermon. She was so LOUD.

Gwyneth sat next to the Easter bunny that she received from Aunt Marge and Uncle Merle. She was a little shy at first, but she loves her bunny.

Gwyneth's first Easter egg hunt at Aunt Beth's. Maybe next year we will tell her about the candies in the eggs


Kayce said...

A beautiful Easter and a blessed one at that!!

Mary Schneider said...

I love Gwennie...she can use my phone anytime she wants. The picture of her and Kailahni makes me laugh so precious little angel is telling her sweet friend to "get her own dang carrot"! hahaha

The pictures of Gwen with her bunny are so scrumptious!

Let's get together again soon!

Suz said...

What a fabulous weekend! I love the Carrot Keep-away picture!!!! CXH and Gwyneth can hunt blueberry and cilantro eggs next year (: Have a great weekend! Love ya!